EP. 101 – Everything you need to do, you probably can.

Bem-vindo ao podcast "Para Aprender Inglês", o melhor podcast de inglês do Brasil e do mundo.

Aqui é o Teacher Mike, professor de inglês e fundador da Accelerate Idiomas, a principal escola de inglês 100% digital do Brasil.

Aproveite o episódio de hoje e vamos acelerar o seu inglês.

Muito bem-vindos ao podcast "Para Aprender Inglês", estamos de volta aqui no episódio 101 e eu queria dar uns recados pequenos para vocês agora que nós restruturamos o podcast, então você que é um ouvinte assíduo, você vai gostar das notícias que vêm a seguir.

Primeiro, os episódios voltam a ser semanais, três vezes na semana.

Segunda, ou no início da semana, vai ser o The Journey, aquele em que eu falo 100% em inglês, conto um pouco da minha vida, da minha história, falo alguma coisa interessante para mim, que é o episódio de hoje.

Depois, na quarta ou na quinta, vai sair um episódio para quem está aprendendo inglês do zero, então um inglês mais inicial.

Então, se você conhece alguém que precisa desse tipo de conhecimento, passe para ela, que, quarta, quinta-feira, geralmente no meio da semana, vai sair esse episódio.

E, nos fins de semana, sexta, sábado e domingo, vai sair um episódio que é a nossa clássica entrevista, uma entrevista com alguém, falando 100% em inglês, para você treinar o seu listening.

Todos esses episódios terão um transcript, então você vai poder ler e ouvir.

O transcript vai ser liberado lá no nosso Telegram e agora todos os novos episódios terão um transcript, isso porque agora nós aumentamos nossa equipe e estamos conseguindo fazer isso.

Então o podcast de hoje é 100% em inglês, ele é um do The Journey e ele se chama "Everything you need to do, you probably can do it".

So let's go.

Let's check it out.

Bem-vindo ao episódio e muito obrigado por estar aqui mais uma vez.

Alright, everyone!

It is Teacher Mike here and today's episode is called "You probably can do everything you need to".

I don't really know the title for sure, but it's probably going along the lines of "everything you need to do, you probably can do it".

And one of the things that's always been in my head, ever since I started a podcast, ever since I started Teacher Mike or the business that we have now, teaching students all over the world, is every new challenge that comes, every new thing that sounds incredibly difficult it's always possible and feasible, so the next step, the next thing, the next goal always kind of look harder or daunting or scary, but most of the times, it's quite feasible and possible.

And the best example I have with this, it's not even related to the business, it is not even related to Accelerate Idiomas or anything, it's just related to Ben, our baby.

So the last podcast I've made, I think it was in January or February, so Ben wasn't born yet.

Ben was born in March 17.

And, as soon as you get the news that you're going to become a dad, the first thing that pops into your head is like "Ok, like, what's going to happen now?

I don't know if I can handle it".

But, as you get around lots of people that have had babies and, you know, your parents are one of those people, right?

Everybody has parents.

So you get around them and you learn a little bit about how was their experience.

You kind of feel more accustomed to the idea that the new challenge that you have facing you now is quite possible.

It's going to be hard, but it's feasible, possible, achievable.

It's within reach and it's something that you can actually do and make.

So when...

the reason why the podcast kind of stopped a long while ago is because I was thinking, and I was thinking naively, that I was too busy to do it.

And then, if you look at social media and my Instagram, my YouTube, everything kind of like slowed down a little bit because, of course, I had a newborn at home, so, you know, I thought "Ok, I have all these new responsibilities".

But as I was looking at my time and my daily routine, I was thinking "man, I actually have time, I actually can do it, I actually can continue producing at the same level that I've had been producing before now, even with this new challenge".

And this is how I got to the message of todays podcast, it is that everything you need to do to actually get to the point where you want to be is feasible, it's possible and it's been done by someone before.

So, back to the idea of having a baby and then you think "Ok, like, that's going to be incredibly hard, my life is over, yada, yada".

But then you look at people that have had babies and you see that lots of them have flourished and thrived, so it's not a big deal.

So most of the things right now that you can do, that you should do...

let's not use the word can, lets use the word should here...

that you should do to achieve and to get to the place where you want to be, because we all have that place where we want to be, either it be...

it is the job or either it's that that country that we want to live in or that person that we want to have with us, whatever it is, whatever it is the thing that you want to have, or be, or live with, or achieve, the if you are going to achieve it or not, it's a matter of taking the right actions, taking action, basically.

So there's a goal, and that goal is incredibly hard, you say, but then, if you break that goal into smaller steps and you have smaller steps for that goal, those steps, they can be also hard, but they are there and you can do them.

And, a lot of times, you look at those steps or that goal and you think "man, that's hard".

Like, sometimes you think "that's impossible", but if you find someone that has done it or if you can talk to someone that that's been in a similar situation and you get around them, you will slowly realize that it's actually possible.

And the more you do this, the more you are going to realize that you can do it, too.

And it's very interesting, because I thought "you know, with a newborn, my business is going to have to take a big hit", you know, because I wouldn't be able to put in as many hours as I would normally.

So, you know, "ah, money is going to be tight, whatever", but it's the opposite, the business flourished, thrived, got better, and I don't know necessarily if it's because of Ben or because if I'm working differently, more effectively.

I don't know exactly what it is.

But the idea is, whatever you need to do to get to the point where you want to be, it's definitely possible and you probably can do it.

So you have to think to yourself.

And that's that's the message of today and today's podcast is going to be a little bit shorter, just because we're getting back to it, but the idea is that whatever you need to do, even though it looks incredibly hard and impossible, whatever...

how hard it looks, it's definitely, definitely, definitely feasible.

You only have to first circle and go and be around people that have done it or be around the people that you can take inspiration and take advice from.

But, ideally, you want to surround yourself with those people, not necessarily because of the advice, because sometimes advice is not that useful, but just so you can see it's possible.

You know, a very good example of this as well is, for example, people that have had a lot of success in their lives and you think to yourself, like "it's impossible to get there, I will never be able to make a million dollars", but then you talk to ten people that have made ten million dollars and you think "oh, you know, they're not so different than I am, so, if they could do it, why cant I?" And then you make that one million dollars, for example, and then you talk to people that have made ten million dollars and you think "well, you know, from one million to ten million, you know, that's a big difference, but, you know, I'm not that different from those people as well.

I can learn from that".

And, as you talk to them, it sounds more and more reachable.

So I'm just using the money analogy here to make a point.

It doesn't need to be money for you, it can be anything else.

It can be living in Canada, it can be living in the US, it can be moving to Poland.

It can be marrying the love of your life.

Whatever it is, whatever the goal you have, most likely the set of actions that you have to take are right in front of you and you can take them, because whatever you need to do, you probably can.

So that's it for today, guys.

I hope you enjoyed this podcast episode and remember, you can read it.

I'll leave the link in the description of the episodes.

Follow me on social media, it is Teacher Mike everywhere.

And yes, I hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday, this week, we have the more simple English, so it's going to be "Inglês do zero", its a sequence of episodes that are going to help people from zero.

And, on Friday or Saturday, we're going to have our first interview of the series.

It's going to be really cool.

So I'll see you guys.

Thank you so much.

Have a good one.


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