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Hey, Mike!!!!
I know today is a very special day because it’s your birthday and there are some things that I really want you to know.
Fist off I’m sure deep down you already know this but I just want you to think about it one more time today and actually take a look in the mirror and see everything for yourself. Dude, you do help a LOT OF PEOPLE and that’s the best thing one can do in life. It’s remarkable how you’ve managed to just go out of your way to make people understand and love English the best way you know how. I know it requires a whole lot of time, effort, dedication and a deep sense of responsibility because we’re talking about thousands of people who right now are becoming increasingly better at what they love and closer to achieving their goals. And for that I thank you! You’re a great teacher and you’re awesome at making a challenge your bitch. I believe in your work. And if you knew how much I think about how important your work is, I’d be embarrassed hahaha I’m glad I got to be a part of your team!! Happy birthday, you awkward ass teacher (in a cute way. Like an elevator ride, but with puppies). You’re AWESOME!!! Never let anyone tell you otherwise. HAVE A GREAT DAY. You fucking deserve it! ???

Victoria Lira

Hey Teacher!
Hoje é seu aniversário e eu queria desejar muitas felicidades para você. Concordo com tudo que a Victoria falou acima hahaha, apesar de não te conhecer pessoalmente, a conexão virtual proporcionou uma conexão mais humana entre nós do Team Mike e você. Eu só queria agradecer por todo conhecimento compartilhado, pela paciência com os quase 30 mil seguidores e por ter me notado e é uma honra está fazendo parte do Team. Espero que tenha e esteja aproveitando o seu dia da melhor forma possível rodeado de pessoas que te querem bem, algumas distantes outras nem tanto. Montamos um pequeno e singelo vídeo com a ajuda da Tati e da Clarissa (Vivendo no Canadá), sinta-se abraçado por todos os seus seguidores! See ya!

Gilbervan Allisson
Categorias: notícias

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